Pogovor o ‘težkih’ temah


Rasizem, kolonializem oz. neokolonializem in vprašanje mednarodnega razvoja so teme, ki pri marsikateremu človeku vzbujajo nelagodje, če že ne kaj hujšega. V okviru projekta Mladi do globalnega državljanstva na trdnih temeljih smo v sodelovanju z Oddelkom za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo … Continued

Skuhna Talk v novembru in decembru

posted in: DOGODKI | 0

Skuhna Talk je serija štirih pogovorov, ki potekajo v novembru in začetku decembra, na teme povezane s podnebnimi spremembami, rasizmom, enakopravnostjo spolov ter religijo. Pogovori bodo potekali v angleščini v kolikor bo to smotrno. Vabimo vas na Skuhna Talk, ki bo 30.11.2021, ob 18h na

Challenging gender roles

posted in: DOGODKI | 0

Seven days of intensive work, challenging gender roles in Ljubljana from August 11th till 17th. After group bonding, the group of 26 participants from 8 European countries explored labels, privilege and power, concepts, norms, bias and the data gap. We … Continued

InterCap: Develop Capacities Together

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We are happy that teaching materials from our InterCap project has been published on Bildung 2030, an online Platform for Global Learning and Teaching for Sustainable Development in Austria. To find out more: https://bildung2030.at/seminar/intercap-schulungspaket/ #wusaustria #developtogether #globaleducation #sustainabledevelopment

Develop Capacities Together

posted in: InterCap | 0

It is two more weeks left until the end of the InterCap project, but we are still working hard and succesfuly adapting to the challenging transition to online workshops. Today we worked with pre-service teachers from University Colleges of Teacher … Continued

Develop Capacities Together

posted in: InterCap | 0

We would like to introduce you to Hanna Czell, our InterCap intern in Austria. In the framework of her internship Hanna developed a concept for workshops with girls and young women, focusing on themes such as migration, social inequality, equitableness … Continued

Develop Capacities Together

posted in: InterCap | 0

The #InterCap consortium met for the last time today… Even though we had our Final Partners’ Meeting online, we still grasped the chance to reflect, appreciate and celebrate the work done in the past 3 years! Thank you all for … Continued

Develop Capacities Together

posted in: InterCap | 0

Developing capacities together (or InterCap) is a EuropeAid project about the creation of European CSO-University networks for global learning. http://www.developtogether.eu/ info@developtogether.eu

Develop Capacities Together

posted in: InterCap | 0

“The importance of working together” is an action implemented by CARDET with the contribution of Δήμος Στροβόλου NGO Support Centre – Cyprus #UNIC, our InterCap interns and school teachers as part of the practice- oriented activity. Watch the videos below … Continued