Skuhna Talk v novembru in decembru

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Skuhna Talk

Skuhna Talk je serija štirih pogovorov, ki potekajo v novembru in začetku decembra, na teme povezane s podnebnimi spremembami, rasizmom, enakopravnostjo spolov ter religijo. Pogovori bodo potekali v angleščini v kolikor bo to smotrno. Vabimo vas na Skuhna Talk, ki bo 30.11.2021, ob 18h na temo Racism: the taboo topic. Pogosto nam je težko govoriti o vprašanjih rasizma na osebni ravni. Žal to, da ne govorimo o tem, ne pomeni, da rasizem ne obstaja. Ne samo to, izogibanje temi je najzanesljivejši način za zagotovitev, da se rasizem nadaljuje. Na tej razpravi bomo poskušali bolje razumeti rasizem in beli privilegij ter zakaj je to težka tema. Raziskali bomo tudi načine za soočanje z rasizmom na osebni in institucionalni ravni.


Debate vodi Mahedina Jannat, aktivistka iz Bangladeša. Gost tokratne debate bo Max Zimani, direktor Zavoda Global.

Prijavite se tukaj.


Vaš Zavod Global


Skuhna Talk is a series of four debates conducted online in November and early December on topics related to climate change, racism, gender equality, and religion. Talks will be held in English, if needed.

We invite you to Skuhna Talk on 30th November at 18h on the topic Racism: the taboo topic. It is often difficult for us to talk about issues of racism on a personal basis because people are on edge about the subject. Unfortunately, not talking about this does not mean that racism does not exist. Not only that, avoiding the subject is the surest way of ensuring that racism persists. At this debate, we will try and better understand racism and white privilege and also why it is a difficult subject. We will also explore ways to better address racism on a personal and institutional level

The debate is facilitated by Mahedina Jannat, an activist from Bangladesh. The guest of this debate will be Max Zimani, Director – Zavod Global

Please sign up here.


Please mark your calendars for the remaining two Talks:

Challenging gender roles 6th December, 2021 at 6pm CET

What’s all the hullabaloo about hijab-wearing? 8th December, 2021 at 6pm CET