On June 29th Zavod Global implemented the third National Training for Trainers in Novo mesto in the framework of the InterCap project. The training was attended by 24 persons, mainly employees of the host organisation Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto, who work directly with migrants and the youth. The objective of the training was to provide an overview of the phenomenon of Migration and its links to sustainable development and security at the local and global level; to introduce Open Spaces for Dialog and Enquiry /Interacting learning communities and Theatre for living participatory methodologies and to provide resources to address a variety of themes connected to migration and sustainable development. The training introduced a number of activities and tools like Where do you stand, Words Matter, Passport of an immigrant, Image theatre, games, and Transformation while also providing ample time for reflection. Catering was provided by the Skuhna Restaurant. The training was facilitated by Metka Bahlen Okoli and Max Zimani