Development finance in the 21st century: Economic justice for all?

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Eurodad’s International Conference 2019, co-hosted with Ekvilib Institute and supported by SLOGA platform, Focus and EnaBanda took place on 3-4 June in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

As citizens and social movements are taking to the streets around the world to call for change, discussions about how to reverse growing inequalities, overcome poverty and tackle climate change are gaining ever more prominence.
A decade after the start of the global financial crisis, governments continue to ignore the lessons learnt, reforms to the global system remain piecemeal and power imbalances rest untouched.
Increasing economic justice and mobilising the necessary financing for development are vital parts of the solution but despite the commitments made by world leaders, we still lack the necessary action.

At the Eurodad International Conference 2019, leading academics, practitioners and global civil society experts collectively analysed the state of the global economic system, discussed the dominant governance structures, and reviewed flows of funding to and from the world’s ‘poorest’ countries. With this in mind, the discussion also focused on how to transform the system and create the needed change. Have a look at some conference highlights!